关键词为 “Michael Nielsen” 的文章

Doing science in the open

by Yan on 5月 8, 2009

Michael Nielsen 在物理世界的文章,讲解开放科学的话题。有时间的话,真想翻译一下。

Michael Nielsen 要转变方向

by Yan on 10月 9, 2007

量子信息和量子计算领域的年轻大牛Michael Nielsen 最近在 blog 上明确说,他将改变方向,专注于开发用于科学协作与出版的新工具。众人都说他很有勇气。我认为不只是勇气而已,他的决定也很有前瞻性。过些年就知道他的决定是否正确了。

他的这个转变也不是突然的。首先,他是位资深科学 blogger,远在众多科学家认识到 blog 的重要意义前就开始了;另外,他着手做一个叫 The Academic Reader 的项目也已经有段时间;前不久,他在 blog 上宣布说,正在写一本关于科学的未来的书


Michael Nielsen 谈科学的未来

by Yan on 8月 16, 2007

Michael Nielsen 最近又开始活跃地 blog 起来。最近一个帖子提到,他也在考虑网络对科学的影响,并已经开始起草一本相关的书,在未来几个礼拜内会贴出一个摘要。摘要将谈到这些内容:

Micropublication(微发表): Allowing immediate publication in small incremental steps, both of conventional text, and in more diverse media formats (e.g. commentary, code, data, simulations, explanations, suggestions, criticism and correction). All are to be treated as first class fully citable publications, creating an incentive for people to contribute far more rapidly and in a wider range of ways than is presently the case.

Open source research(开源研究): Using version control systems to open up scientific publications so they can be extended, modified, reused, refactored and recombined by other users, all the while preserving a coherent and citable record of who did what, and when.

The future of peer review(同行评议的未来): The present quality assurance system relies on refereeing as a filtering system, prior to publication. Can we move to a system where the filtering is done after publication?

Collaboration markets(合作市场): How can we fully leverage individual expertise? Most researchers spend much of their time reinventing the wheel, or doing tasks at which they have relatively little comparative advantage. Can we provide mechanisms to easily outsource work like this?

The Academic Reader

by Yan on 4月 26, 2007

Michael Nielsen 新推出一个网站:The Academic Reader,值得期待。

The Academic Reader is a new web site that makes it easier to keep track of your scientific reading. Rather than going to multiple websites every day to keep up, we pull all the sources together in a single location, so you can keep track easily. Sources include the preprint arXiv, the Physical Review, and Nature, and many new sources will be added in the months to come, including sources outside physics.

Michael Nielsen 是量子信息与计算领域一年轻大牛,也是很有影响力的科学 blogger,虽然现在不大写了。他推出这个 Academic Reader 让我想起格志之前介绍过的Dave Bacon 推出 SciRate.com。他们都属于 web savvy 的科学家。

激发人创建科学研究相关 web 应用,也是格志一个梦想。

Principles of Effective Research

by Yan on 11月 7, 2005

Michael Nielsen 的这篇文章 Principles of Effective Research 值得一读。我把以前写的一个读后感贴过来。