关键词为 “The Academic Reader” 的文章

The Academic Reader

by Yan on 4月 26, 2007

Michael Nielsen 新推出一个网站:The Academic Reader,值得期待。

The Academic Reader is a new web site that makes it easier to keep track of your scientific reading. Rather than going to multiple websites every day to keep up, we pull all the sources together in a single location, so you can keep track easily. Sources include the preprint arXiv, the Physical Review, and Nature, and many new sources will be added in the months to come, including sources outside physics.

Michael Nielsen 是量子信息与计算领域一年轻大牛,也是很有影响力的科学 blogger,虽然现在不大写了。他推出这个 Academic Reader 让我想起格志之前介绍过的Dave Bacon 推出 SciRate.com。他们都属于 web savvy 的科学家。

激发人创建科学研究相关 web 应用,也是格志一个梦想。