生日快乐, 达尔文
by lochmeters on 2月 11, 2009
今天是博物学家达尔文200周年诞辰纪念日。 人类各个领域诸如生物学在内的自然科学、人文社会科学等因他150年前出版的《物种起源》而掀开了新的一页。
今天上线的自然杂志,特别以他的肖像作为杂志的封面来庆祝这一历史时刻, 并开设了一组Darwin 200的新闻专题报道有关达尔文生平以及进化论相关研究的进展。
by lochmeters on 12月 17, 2008
对于做物理的人来说,发篇PRL是值得庆贺的事情。 这种感觉基本上从无名小卒到成名大家都相似吧? 这不, Marvin Cohen最近在PRL撰写了篇essay,写道自己对PRL发表的心情:
Speaking personally, I was trained to do the best research I could do and to try to ‘‘get a PRL’’ to announce what I had done. My second publication as a graduate student was a PRL, and I remember being
incredibly proud. Although I’ve had the good fortune to publish about 100 PRLs since then, the thrill is still there when I get an acceptance notice. I’m sure that most physicists feel the same way.
by lochmeters on 11月 19, 2006
碳纳米管(carbon nanotube)自 Sumio Iijima 1991年发现以来受到物理,化学,生物等各个领域的关注. 碳纳米管其特殊的一维结构可以由两个手性指标(chiral index)(n.m)来唯一地确定, 按照n和m的关系, 我们可以将其分为锯齿(zigzag,(n,0) 或 (0,m)),扶手椅(armchair,(n,n)) 和 泛手性(chiral) 三种, 而碳纳米管其相应的电学性能也可以由手性指标来标定:(n-m)满足3的倍数为金属性,其他则是半导体性.
维基百科(Wiki encyclopedia)恢复部分访问
by lochmeters on 10月 17, 2006
早些时候很是奇怪打开了一个wiki词条,以为是GFW出了差错, 而点击中文词条导致Wiki访问的全面禁止让我相信确实是GFW出了或许差错才导致这个穿墙词条的出现.
而这则消息称, Wiki部分解禁,但是中文Wiki词条还是全部不能访问. 所以现在算是明白原先出现的是什么问题了. 不管怎么说, 能访问Wiki,哪怕是一小部分也是值得高兴的事情.
by lochmeters on 9月 9, 2006
美国物理学会(American Physical Society) 近日宣布物理评论系列杂志自今年九月起加入 开放获取的行列 . 其中一大亮点是开放获取计划并不局限于最新发表的文章,可以追溯到1893年.
The American Physical Society (APS) is pleased to announce the release of FREE TO READ. As noted in our earlier announcement (http://publish.aps.org/OpenAccessAnnounce.html), FREE TO READ allows individuals or institutions to pay a modest fee ($975/PR article and $1300/PRL) to provide access, through our sites, to the full text versions of selected articles published in APS journals at no cost to the reader and without a subscription. FREE TO READ is not limited to recent publications, and can be applied to any article or group of articles from APS’s extensive archive which goes back to 1893. .