by lochmeters on 9月 9, 2006
美国物理学会(American Physical Society) 近日宣布物理评论系列杂志自今年九月起加入 开放获取的行列 . 其中一大亮点是开放获取计划并不局限于最新发表的文章,可以追溯到1893年.
The American Physical Society (APS) is pleased to announce the release of FREE TO READ. As noted in our earlier announcement (http://publish.aps.org/OpenAccessAnnounce.html), FREE TO READ allows individuals or institutions to pay a modest fee ($975/PR article and $1300/PRL) to provide access, through our sites, to the full text versions of selected articles published in APS journals at no cost to the reader and without a subscription. FREE TO READ is not limited to recent publications, and can be applied to any article or group of articles from APS’s extensive archive which goes back to 1893. .
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