关键词为 “开放获取” 的文章

MIT 力挺开放获取

by Yan on 3月 24, 2009

MIT 的教职员工们上周无记名投票通过了一项决议:允许校方免费公开他们撰写的学术文章。MIT 将创建一个在线储藏库来存放这些内容。

虽然斯坦福大学与哈佛大学的一些院系已经开始采用这样的政策,但 MIT 是第一个在整个学校范围内这样做的。


OAtube Nanotechnology

by Yan on 10月 15, 2008

OAtube Nanotechnology is a new kind of scientific journal dedicated to archiving conference presentations and providing citation information for them. The journal is built on the idea that conference presentations can have great impact on scientific development over the long term.


by Yan on 8月 20, 2007

The Coming Revolution in Scholarly Communications & Cyberinfrastructure, CTWatch Quarterly 07年8月期。可全文阅读,内容包括:

Lee Dirks, Microsoft Corporation
Tony Hey, Microsoft Corporation

The Shape of the Scientific Article in The Developing Cyberinfrastructure
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
Next-Generation Implications of Open Access
Paul Ginsparg, Cornell University

Web 2.0 in Science
Timo Hannay, Nature Publishing

Reinventing Scholarly Communication for the Electronic Age
J. Lynn Fink, University of California, San Diego
Philip E. Bourne, University of California, San Diego