关键词为 “物理” 的文章

A clash of two cultures

by Yan on 2月 14, 2007

自然杂志上一个小随笔:A clash of two cultures。这里的两种 cultures 指的是物理和生物学术圈的文化。从我上大学时就听人讲,学物理的与学生物的思维方式有多大区别,看来直到现在依旧是个话题。如文中所述,这种区别已经存在至少一个世纪。

In the past, biologists have been little concerned about whether their findings might achieve the status of a law. And even when findings seem to be so general as to warrant thinking of them as a law, the discovery of limits to their generality has not been seen as a problem. Think, for example, of Mendel’s laws, the central dogma or even the ‘law’ of natural selection. Exceptions to these presumed laws are no cause for alarm; nor do they send biologists back to the drawing board in search of better, exception-free laws. They are simply reminders of how complex biology is in reality.

A Dialogue on Mathematics & Physics

by Yan on 1月 15, 2007

看到这个 A Dialogue on Mathematics & Physics,觉得很有意思。在谈话的最后,G. J. Chaitin 说:“Well, my current model of mathematics is that it’s a living organism that develops and evolves, forever. That’s a long way from the traditional Platonic view that mathematical truth is perfect, static and eternal.” 和我的观念比较一致。最后 G. J. Chaitin 甚至抛出毕加索的名言:theories are lies that help us to see the truth! 觉得这个论断恰到好处


by 原子不怕冷 on 11月 12, 2006




[广告]Sudarshan: Seven Science Quests 会议

by Hui on 10月 30, 2006

UT Austin准备力挺物理系Sudarshan教授拿诺贝尔奖,将举办为期两天的会议,关于下面7个问题

1 V-A: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction
2 Symmetry
3 Spin Statistics
4 Quantum Optical Coherence: Sudarshan Representation