Chinese students in the US: Taking a stand
by mayue on 11月 18, 2005
A news feature article appeared on Nature 438, 278-279 (17 November 2005), written by Geoff Brumfiel, who is Nature’s Washington DC physical sciences correspondent.
The Art and Poetry of Chaos
by mayue on 11月 15, 2005
混沌的吸引子是最能表现“数学之美”的一种方式。今天收到World Scientific Publishing Company的Email推荐几本书,其中一个叫:IMAGES OF A COMPLEX WORLD — The Art and Poetry of Chaos。觉得能不错,如果有对非线性动态系统及混沌理论感兴趣的朋友,不妨试着读一读。书中配有光盘,提供了1000张混沌的图片供欣赏。
想起我的导师“川上博”早年也曾经出过一本叫《Chaos CG Collection》的书,是日语的,里面给了一些用Quick Basic写成的代码,也对入门很有帮助。后来他的学生“上田哲史”出版了一本用C代码写的类似的书。也许国内的学者们也应该放下架子,改改思路,多针对高中和大学初级的年轻人们写写“开胃”的书,总是一章一章的公式,读者难免要烦的。
A Comical Look at Real Physics
by mayue on 11月 14, 2005
这一期的SCIENCE介绍了一本新书:The Physics of Superheroes(Gotham, New York, 2005. 384 pp. $26. ISBN 1-592-40146-5)。作者是James Kakalios。
James Kakalios is a physicist who knows how to shrink the separation between physics and play. A lifelong comic-book junkie, Kakalios developed a freshman seminar he titled “Everything I Know About Science I Learned from Reading Comic Books.” The Physics of Superheroes builds on that popular course.
In the introduction, Kakalios describes his motivation for writing the book.