by mayue on 6月 28, 2006
下载文件:2005 SCI.xls 2319kb
压缩版本:2005 SCI.zip 741kb
Windows Live Academic
by mayue on 4月 14, 2006
微软气喘吁吁地追着Google跑,推出了Windows Live Academic的测试,面向学术领域,用来对抗Google Scholar。
Windows Live Academic is now in beta. We currently index content related to computer science, physics, electrical engineering, and related subject areas.
Academic search enables you to search for peer reviewed journal articles contained in journal publisher portals and on the web in locations like citeseer.
Academic search works with libraries and institutions to search and provide access to subscription content for their members. Access restricted resources include subscription services or premium peer-reviewed journals. You may be able to access restricted content through your library or institution.
by mayue on 2月 23, 2006
听起来有点危言耸听,其实早就不是什么新鲜话题了。1971年医学和免疫学泰斗Burnet在Genes, Dreams and Realities一书中就忧心忡忡地提到:
“None of my juniors seem to be worried as I am by the fact that the contribution of laboratory science to medicine has virtually come to an end.”
四个目录分别是:Physics,Math,Computers和Lecture Notes,草草看了一下觉得真的是够全,全是PDF或PS文件,多为扫描而成,加了Bookmarks,相信对这里的读者会有帮助。因为书目巨多,无法一一写出,我把四个分类的文件列表抓成图片,各位可以点击看最大图片,确认是不是真的需要。
by mayue on 12月 1, 2005
本周的《Nature》里,用三篇文章(《Joint effots》《The real death of print》《Start your engines》)组成了一个专题,分别探讨了BLOG,Goolge Book Search和Google Scholar对科学界产生的影响。感兴趣的可以去看看,我这里有一个集合的PDF文件提供下载。
update by 冯衍: 发现图林中文译站已经把其中一篇文章翻译成中文了。