Ten Top Physics Stories for 2007
by mayue on 12月 18, 2007
In chronological order during the year:
light, slowed in one Bose Einstein condensate (BEC), is passed on to another BEC (http://www.aip.org/pnu/2007/split/812-1.html);
electron tunneling in real time can be observed with the use of attosecond pulses (http://www.aip.org/pnu/2007/split/818-2.html);
laser cooling of coin-sized object, at least in one dimension (http://www.aip.org/pnu/2007/split/818-1.html);
the best test ever of Newton’s second law, using a tabletop torsion pendulum (http://www.aip.org/pnu/2007/split/819-1.html);
first Gravity Probe B first results, the measurement of the geodetic effect—the warping of spacetime in the vicinity of and caused by Earth-to a precision of 1%, with better precision yet to come (http://www.aip.org/pnu/2007/split/820-2.html).
The MiniBooNE experiment at Fermilab solves a neutrino mystery, apparently dismissing the possibility of a fourth species of neutrino (http://www.aip.org/pnu/2007/split/820-1.html);
the Tevatron, in its quest to observe the Higgs boson, updated the top quark mass and observed several new types of collision events, such as those in which only a single top quark is made, and those in which a W and Z boson or two Z bosons are made simultaneously (http://www.aip.org/pnu/2007/split/821-1.html);
the shortest light pulse, a 130-attosecond burst of extreme ultraviolet light (http://www.aip.org/pnu/2007/split/823-1.html);
Ten simple rules for getting published
by mayue on 9月 27, 2007
来自开放访问的杂志:PLoS Computational Biology,作者就是它的主编。因为是开放访问的,这里就不贴它的原文了。然后最新的一期PCBI中出现了一篇关于上文的回复。Reply to “Ten Simple Rules for Getting Published”。里面讲到关于影响因子的一些废话。
当然这些都不是我要说滴,我要说的是那个Reply to的第二个参考文献居然就是从我们格致下载的文件。看来格致的内容也是有影响因子的哦。
The structure of self-organized blogosphere
by mayue on 10月 4, 2006
在arXiv.org上发现这么一个文章,北大的研究组做的关于Blog圈的自组织结构的论文。具体内容还没有看,但从摘要上看,应该又是一个关于复杂网络(complex network)模型的应用的研究。有兴趣的可以看一看。
Google book 全书浏览
by mayue on 9月 1, 2006
Google Book Search想必大家都不陌生,最近的新闻是它把许多版权已经失去时效的古典名著,当然也有“不”名著,都扫描成册,支持全文的浏览阅读。
What’ up, Postdoc?
by mayue on 9月 1, 2006
一篇最近的IEEE Spectrum的文章,关于科学工作者的职业生涯的(How to climb the academic ladder)。正在读博士或者博士已经“后”了几年的读者值得一读。
里面提到的”Tenure clock”是六年。
What’s Up, Postdoc?
By Prachi Patel-Predd
How to climb the academic ladder
Late one night, Richard J. Radke was at his desk, putting together applications for faculty jobs. Nearing the completion of his Ph.D., he was hoping to embark on an academic career. A senior professor he knew well took Radke aside and said, “I hate to tell you this, but it’s going to be brutal,” he recalls. Radke, now an assistant professor in electrical, computer, and systems engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, N.Y., admits that his professor was right. Even once he’d landed a job, for the first few years he was constantly busy and stressed out as he learned the ropes and started worrying about tenure.