OAtube Nanotechnology,是一份开放获取的、视频形式的纳米技术杂志,主要收录学术会议报告。杂志的出发点是,相信会议报告对科学发展有更深远的影响。
视频形式科技杂志目前最有影响的是 JoVE:Journal of Visualized Experiments。
E-Journal | drupal.org
by Yan on 10月 21, 2008
This module is a powerful production publishing system. It allows you to create and control your own electronic (and possibly printed) journals in Drupal – you can set up as many journals as you want, add authors and editors. Module gives you issue management, basic user and access control, vocabularies and archives.
by Yan on 10月 20, 2008
The fallibility of scientific journals | Publish and be wrong
by Yan on 10月 20, 2008
One group of researchers thinks headline-grabbing scientific reports are the most likely to turn out to be wrong
YouTube – stanforduniversity’s Channel
by Yan on 10月 20, 2008
斯坦福大学的 Youtube 频道