关键词为 “drupal” 的文章

E-Journal | drupal.org

by Yan on 10月 21, 2008

This module is a powerful production publishing system. It allows you to create and control your own electronic (and possibly printed) journals in Drupal – you can set up as many journals as you want, add authors and editors. Module gives you issue management, basic user and access control, vocabularies and archives.

OAI-PMH Module

by Yan on 10月 14, 2008

This module provides an Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), interface to the Bibliography Module.

Bibliography Module | drupal.org

by Yan on 10月 14, 2008

This module allows users manage and display lists of scholarly publications.

Drupal For Educators And Academics

by Yan on 10月 14, 2008


by Yan on 6月 15, 2007

Postgenomic, Connotea, 和 Nature Network 之后,自然出版社又推出一个新的 Web 2.0 服务,Scintilla。Scintilla(火花)基本上是个新闻/blog/论文聚合器,不过它还有评分、推荐等功能。有了各种 rss reader,digg 之后,不知道还有谁愿意转而用这个服务。Scintilla 是用 drupal 建的,Nature 做了一些 core hacks,和几个定制模块。