关键词为 “iPhone” 的文章


by Yan on 10月 25, 2009

注意到美国物理学会(AIP)推出了一个 iPhone/Touch 应用,iResearch

iResearch is an offline e-reader that enables users to save PDF files locally to their device and view them offline without a Wifi or cellular connection. Users navigate through the journals, the volumes and issues to select an article they wish to read. A user will be automatically logged in with their institutional IP Address if they are online within a qualifying address range, or he/she can enter their username/password to obtain access. When the PDF has been loaded to the device the user can select to save the file locally onto the iPhone/iPod touch. Once the PDF is saved locally the user can read the article off-line.

只支持 AIP 自己的期刊。这似乎只是人为的限制。如果有一个应用,能支持大部分主要期刊,又结合类似 Zotero 这样的文献管理工具的话,就更有用一些。



by Yan on 4月 15, 2009

Dave Bacon,一位搞量子计算的老 blogger,SciRate 的制作者,最近又鼓捣出一个 iPhone App 来。名字叫 arXiview,就是 arXiv 阅读器,有 iPhone 的童鞋不妨玩玩。我没有 iPhone,只想说声太酷了。


* Browsing arXiv categories by date. Keep up to date not just on the latest days posting, but postings from the last week or any date you wish. The first iPhone arxiv browser to offer full date browsing.
* Search the arXiv by author, title, full text, with and without restrictions to specific categories of the arXiv.
* Save preprints to your iPhone for later, offline browsing. Organize your offline readings in self-named folders.
* Email yourself or others preprint information for later reference.
* Read PDFs in both landscape and portrait mode.
* Arrange arXiv categories and subcategories in an order of your preference, for quick access.

据说 iTunes App store 上除此之外已经有两个 arXiv 阅读器了。

关于写这个应用程序的来由,以他一惯的风格,说得很幽默。他说,9 个月前他决定找个 tenure track 教职,正好碰上经济危机,给他带来很大的压力。那么,在这样的状态下,一个计算机科学/物理 research professor 做什么呢?那就是写个 iPhone App。有比学 C 语言、写 iPhone App 更好的摆脱焦虑的办法么?

Dave 确实在找教职,zqyin 还听了他的报告,不知道成功没有。