
by sinophysiker on 9月 26, 2006

当然这个属于旧闻了,不过我是刚看到。很有意思所以拿来说一下。以下斜体部分转自我学设计的朋友laladoll的msn space

This summer, the journal Nature published “Harry Potter and the Recessive Allele,” a letter that argued that J. K. Rowling’s tales of the young wizard Harry Potter offer an opportunity to educate children in modern theories of heredity.

As almost everyone above the age of 3 knows, the Harry Potter novels depict a world divided into people who possess magical powers (wizards and witches) and those who do not (Muggles). Not everyone can be a wizard; indeed, after careful review of the evidence, the authors of the Nature letter concluded that wizards evidently inherit their gifts from their parents as predicted by the theories of the 19th-century geneticist Gregor Mendel.


by sinophysiker on 9月 22, 2006

昨天看discovery说道南加州大学搞出了一种单元型的小机器人,若干个可以任意组合自行连接在一起,起到大机器人的作用,很是好玩。他们称之为多形态机器人Polymorphic Robot。这东西从NASA拿了无数经费。片子里看到一个华人面孔,查了一下居然是半个校友,似乎是以前北方交大出去的,现在是Polymorphic Robotics Laboratory的director,名字叫Wei-min Shen。

Shen主页: http://www.isi.edu/~shen/