‘Trigonmetry, Calculus & Analytic Geometry’ pdf download
by ipang on 10月 25, 2007
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‘Trigonmetry, Calculus & Analytic Geometry’ Category List
- Sine of the Sum
- Area and Difference Formulas
- The Law of Cosines I
- The Law of Cosines II
- The Law of Cosines III
- The Double-Angle Formulas
- The Half-Angle Tangent Formulas
- Mollweide’s Equation
- (tanθ+1)²+(cotθ+1)²=(secθ+cscθ)²
- The Substitution to Make a Rational Function of the Sine and Cosine
- Sums of Arctangents
- The Distance Between a Point and a Line
- The Midpoint Rule is Better than the Trapezoidal Rule for Concave Functions
- Integration by Parts
- The Graphs of f and f^(-1) are Reflections about the Line y=x
- The Reflection Property of the Parabola
- Area under an Arch of the Cycloid
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