关键词为 “自旋” 的文章
Nature Milestones – 自旋
by Yan on 3月 11, 2008
Nature Milestones are special supplements that aim to highlight the ‘milestones’ or remarkable achievements in a given field. Each breakthrough is covered in a short Milestone article, written by editors from the Nature Publishing Group, which discusses landmark discoveries in the context of the prevailing concepts at the time and our current knowledge of the field.
Milestones in Spin − the sixth supplement in the series and the first in the physical sciences − presents key developments in the story of ‘spin’. Spin describes the intrinsic angular momentum of elementary particles, a concept developed in the mid-1920s as physicists sought to explain experimental observations made decades earlier. Since then, the idea of spin has inspired major advances in physics, and has found practical application in chemistry, biology and technology.
In addition to the Milestone articles, the supplement includes a Timeline
− a chronology of the earliest papers connected with each Milestone − and a reprinted Collection of relevant articles and reviews from Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Physics and Nature Structural Biology. The Milestones web site also includes an extensive Library of material from the across the Nature Publishing Group.
另外,内容半年内可在网上免费阅读,目前还有增刊全文的 pdf 下载。