关键词为 “生物工程” 的文章
Bio Engineering/ME C117
by Yan on 11月 23, 2007
Bio Engineering/ME C117: Structural Aspects of Biomaterials – Professor Lisa Pruitt This course provides an overview of medical devices, FDA regulatory issues, biocompatibility and sterilization technology. It examines biomechanical properties: isotropy/anisotropy, stiffness, bending stresses, contact stresses, multiaxial loading, plasticity, fatigue, fracture, wear, corrosion, design issues. Also covered: Orthopedics, Dental, Cardiovascular, and Soft Tissue Reconstruction. Professor Pruitt’s current research is focused on fatigue and fracture micromechanisms, cyclic damage zones, and evolution of structure due to cyclic loading and environment in advanced polymers and biomaterials; tribology of…