关键词为 “扑克大赛” 的文章
by zqyin on 8月 12, 2006
最近物理界很有趣的一个八卦新闻就是一位学粒子物理学的博士Michael Binger夺得”World Series of Poker“决赛的第三名,获得四百万美圆的奖金.
Jo Anne 在Cosmic Variance上说Binger几个月前刚刚在SLAC获得了物理学博士学位,是一个真正的理论物理学博士.因为他特殊的身份,大赛网站上还有一个对他的采访.采访说:Michael Binger hopes to continue doing research in physics without having to run the rat-race of getting a job and impressing all the right people as he puts it. A win here at the World Series of Poker Main Event would definitely give him the freedom to do pretty much anything he wants.有了这400多万奖金,他似乎真的可以实现他的梦想.