关键词为 “Sandwich” 的文章
Sandwich decoded!
by nicco on 4月 11, 2007
The Perfect Bacon Sandwich Decoded: Crisp and Crunchy
Should it be slithery or scrunchy, glutinous or grilled? The answer, British scientists say, may be divined by a formula:
N = C + {fb(cm) · fb(tc)} + fb(Ts) + fc · ta.—————这就是大名鼎鼎的sandwich方程!
That is the scientific answer to the question: what makes the perfect bacon sandwich?
And, no, it is not April 1.
Researchers at Leeds University(利兹大学,听说过英超的利兹联队吧,想了解这个学校可以看看这个网址吧http://www.leeds.ac.uk/) spent more than 1,000 hours testing 700 variants on the traditional bacon sandwich, which many Britons refer to as a bacon butty (不要奇怪英国人就是这么叫三明治的)(eschewing the term sandwich, said to have been coined to honor the fourth Earl of Sandwich’s habit of eating meat between slices of bread around 1762).
For Britons, butties come in a variety of guises — chip butties (French fries between slices of bread), crisp butties (ditto with potato chips) or even sugar butties, which are self-explanatory. None are viewed as especially healthful.