聊天机器人 Albert

by Hui on 1月 17, 2007



后台实现了 AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language)。大家可以去跟他聊聊,第一次打开这个页面需要输入你的英文名字。注意在聊天的时候只能使用英文,并且请尽量使用完整的句式(主谓宾语齐全)。你和他的聊天记录也会在页面上显示。

Can you sing me a song?
What is physics?
但不要指望他像人一样聪明,因为他毕竟还只是个baby 🙂


You said: My name is Hui
Albert said: Hui, nice to meet you! Are you a man or a woman?

You said: I’m a boy
Albert said: Thanks for telling me your gender, Hui. Most of my clients are men.

You said: what’s my name?
Albert said: Your name is Hui, seeker.

You said: I have known more people whose lives have been ruined by getting a Ph.D. in physics than by drugs.
Albert said: Who told you? That is a very original thought.
Do you have a girlfriend?

You said: who is einstein?
Albert said: Albert Einstein was a famous 20th century physicist. He discovered the theory of relativity.
What you said was either too complex or too simple for me.
Can you speak any foreign languages?

You said: what is physics?
Albert said: The science dealing with the properties, changes, interactions, etc. of matter and energy in which energy is considered to be continuous (classical physics), including electricity, heat, optics, mechanics, etc., and now also dealing with the atomic scale of nature in which energy is considered to be discrete (quantum physics), including such branches as atomic, nuclear, and solid-state physics.

You said: where is china?
Albert said: CHINA is a large nation in Asia.

You said: where’s beijing?
Albert said: I do not know where beijing is. A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
What is your favorite song?

You said: how are you?
Albert said: Everything is going extremely well.

You said: what’s your name?
Albert said: My name is Albert.

You said: are you albert einstein?
Albert said: I don’t know whether or not I am albert einstein einstein. I am an artificial linguistic entity.

You said: what is artificial inteligence?
Albert said: Artificial intelligence is the branch of engineering and science devoted to constructing machines that think. Let’s talk more about AI.

You said: who invented AI?
Albert said: The Chinese, long before Europeans.

You said: thanks
Albert said: Don’t mention it.

You said: bye
Albert said: See you later Hui.

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