Europhoton 2006 summer school presentations

by Yan on 9月 26, 2006

前一阵子去比萨参加了个小型会议 Europhoton。今天收到会议组织者的 email,他们把这次会议上的 summer school 的 presentation 放网上了。在这里可以下载。如果是光子学方面的同学,这些应该是挺好的参考资料。

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1. D. SHEPHERD, University of Southampton, UK
“Waveguided light sources”

2. Almantas Galvanauskas, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
“High-power fiber lasers”

3. S. De SILVESTRI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
“Frontiers of ultrashort-pulse optics”

4. P. GEORGES, Institut d’Optique, Orsay, France
“Ultrashort-pulse laser sources and applications”

5. K. VODOPYANOV, Stanford University, USA
“Frontiers of nonlinear optical light sources”

6. Thomas Krauss, St. Andrews University, UK
“2D Photonic Crystal Structures”

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