Zotero 1.5
by Yan on 2月 24, 2009
Zotero,一个 Firefox 文献管理插件(参看格致之前的介绍),刚发布了 1.5 beta。新版本可自动在多台电脑间同步,并可免费备份到 Zotero 的网站上,这样子可随时随地查阅收藏了。
另外,还发布了相应的 web 服务,可以 follow 别人,可以分享,正往社区方向使劲。我的 zotero 帐号是 yan,目前还没想好是否要公开我的 library。
Zotero 1.5 Features
# Automatic synchronization of collections across multiple computers. For example, sync your PC at work with your Mac laptop and your Linux desktop at home.
# Free automatic backup of your library data at Zotero.org.
# Automatic synchronization of your attachment files to a server of your choice (e.g. iDisk, Jungle Disk, or university-provided web storage).
# Recover recently deleted items with Zotero’s trash can.
# Rich-text notes
# New style manager allowing you to add and delete CSLs and legacy style formats
# Automatic detection of PDF metadata (author, title, etc.)
# Automatic detection and support for proxy servers
New Website Features
# Browse through your library online.
# New user profiles tied to Zotero accounts.
# Preliminary support for following other Zotero users: In the future this will generate a twitter-like eed of users public research activity.
# WYSIWYG CV creator, with the ability to dynamically generate all or part of your CV from Zotero collections.
# Search for friends, colleagues, and other users by institutional affiliation, username, email address, or field of interest.
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