
by Matrix on 12月 14, 2008





"We come to class everyday it seems, we all fall asleep we’ve lost all our
dreams. There is no inspiration."

"All the professors in movies and TV like ‘Dead Poets Society,’ and they risk
their very professions for the chance to be inspirations to kids like me!"


在电影Dead Poets Society 中,或者Mona Lisa
Smile中,这些矛盾和冲突就要激烈得多。Dead Poets Society


著名的Havemeyer 309教室

Streisand的The Mirror with two faces,以及前几年Julia Roberts的Mona Lisa
Smile。前一部拍摄时我还在系里,在过道上碰到Barbara Streisand。后一部我一看就立刻认出那段Roberts上的艺术课就是在Havemeyer
309拍的。以下是一些关于Havemeyer 309的网页链接,有兴趣的朋友可以去浏览。

James J. Valentini教授

大家一般称James J. Valentini教授Jim,他今年大概也50多快60岁了。Jim是李远哲先生的头几个学生之一。我91年到Columbia时他刚被系里挖来,挖来的原因是他做了一些重要的光谱和动力学研究,比如H+H2反应的实验等,而且系里刚赶走了另一个李远哲先生的学生,没给他终身教授职位。Valentini教授非常帅气,对学生也很有吸引力(这一点大家可以从上面那个录像看出来),可是到Columbia之后研究一直不顺利,家庭和身体据说也出了一些状况。这次听说他已经不再做研究,而去做专职系主任。这是让人很惋惜的事情。


Even the Professor (James Valentini) was laughing at this!!!!

Starring Mike Barry
With Kate Berthhold, Trey McArver, and Patrick Young

Lyrics (written by Brian Jacobs)

Hey teach!

I’ve got a question — what I mean is. . . it’s just. . .
We come to class everyday it seems, we all fall asleep we’ve lost all our dreams.
There is no inspiration.
But when did we become this way, so disillusioned? So blasé?
I can’t make the calculation.
Can I borrow your TI-83?

Hey teach!

Have you thought for a while
about the impact that you have on us?


I think it’s high time that you tried
to extend your learning on to us and reach!
Are you with me classmates?


(One person)

What about that guy over there? Why aren’t you taking notes? Don’t you even care?
This is your education.
This girl sitting over here, she talks a lot in class but her thoughts are never really quite clear.
So much mental masturbation
Is it we..who are to blame.

Hey TEACH!!!!

All the professors in movies and TV
like "Dead Poets Society,"
and they risk their very professions for the chance
to be inspirations to kids like me!

Hey teach!

It’s no wonder why we’re here.
You must think we only party and drink beer.

But all we need is just one chance…
to be treated as your equals and to dance.

Hey teach!

It’s no wonder why we’re here.
You must think we only party and drink beer.
I think it’s high time that you tried
to extend your learning.. on.. to.. us.. and REACH! TEACH! …


注:TI-83 is is one of the most used graphing calculators for
students manufactured by Texas Instruments since 1996.


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