Ten Simple Rules for Getting Published

by Yan on 3月 7, 2006

via: BioCurious, PLoS Computational Biology published an interesting editorial by Philip E. Bourne on Ten Simple Rules for Getting Published。虽然这个文章是写在生物类的杂志上的,但对所有学科都适用。列一下小标题,详细内容自己去看全文吧。

1: Read many papers, and learn from both the good and the bad work of others.
2: The more objective you can be about your work, the better that work will ultimately become.
3: Good editors and reviewers will be objective about your work.
4: If you do not write well in the English language, take lessons early; it will be invaluable later.
5: Learn to live with rejection.
6: The ingredients of good science are obvious—novelty of research topic, comprehensive coverage of the relevant literature, good data, good analysis including strong statistical support, and a thought-provoking discussion. The ingredients of good science reporting are obvious—good organization, the appropriate use of tables and figures, the right length, writing to the intended audience—do not ignore the obvious.
7: Start writing the paper the day you have the idea of what questions to pursue.
8: Become a reviewer early in your career.
9: Decide early on where to try to publish your paper.
10: Quality is everything.

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