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by Matrix on 4月 1, 2010



Nearly Impossible

by Harrison on 3月 8, 2010

– So it is, because it still is, it is just because it is still not isn’t.
– Yes.
– But so unstable…
– Not unstable only, it’s fragile; it’s extremely transient.
– Yes, much more transient than we thought, but, how is it possible? I
mean, in spite of its transience, why we are still able to witness it?
– Sounds puzzling. But just consider it: how can we witness? How is it possible we witness it via eyes, and brains?


by Matrix on 3月 1, 2010

2010年2月27日当地时间3时34分(UTC 6时34分),智利发生里氏8.8级地震,地震震源深度35公里,震中位于智利外海,距智利第二大城市康赛普西翁(Concepcion)北东北方向115公里处,智利首都圣地亚哥西南方向325公里处。目前地震已致最少750人死亡。




via  bigpicture




by Yan on 2月 13, 2010


“Any effort to block open access to the Internet would hurt the Chinese academic community and the long-term interests of China,”(限制网络公开通达的努力都将损害中国学术界,和中国的长远利益)

