关键词为 “Grisha Perelman” 的文章
Newyorker 与江湖
by lochmeters on 8月 24, 2006
今天看到Newyorker关于Poincaré 猜想的报道: MANIFOLD DESTINY .然而这则报道的重点却是ST-Yau与G-Tian之间的恩恩怨怨, 显然任何领域都是一个江湖,存在着各色恩怨! 华人当中,另外一起相当的个人恩怨就是TD-Lee 与CN-Yang的分道扬镳, 而起因就是Newyorker的一篇报道. 历史是何曾相似~!
arXiv与Fields Medal
by lochmeters on 8月 23, 2006
Grisha Perelman因arXiv的三篇预印文献解决Poincaré 猜想而获得了Fields Medal, arXiv对此事的反应是把Grisha Perelman的三篇文章放在首页. 这事这人都是前所未有~~!
22 Aug 2006: arXiv.org servers are currently under very heavy load due to demand for Grisha Perelman’s papers, published only as arXiv.orge-prints, which are available below. We encourage you to use a mirror such as lanl.arXiv.org or aps.arXiv.org, and we thank you for your patience as we try to accommodate the demand. Perleman was named a Fields Medalist at the opening ceremony of the International Mathematical Union.