关键词为 “artificial photons” 的文章


by zqyin on 11月 13, 2006

两年前我在北京听文小刚教授讲量子多体理论课时,文小刚教授向我们介绍了他所研究的弦-网凝聚(string-net condensation)模型,在那个模型中,光子是任意大小的闭合弦的振动,电子是开弦的端点。文教授的主页上简要的描述了这个模型:

Q: What are light and fermions?
A: Light is a fluctuation of closed strings of arbitrary sizes. Fermions are ends of open strings.
Q: Where do light and fermions come from?
A: Light and fermions come from the collective motions of string-like objects that form nets and fill our vacuum.