arXiv与Fields Medal

by lochmeters on 8月 23, 2006

Grisha Perelman因arXiv的三篇预印文献解决Poincaré 猜想而获得了Fields Medal, arXiv对此事的反应是把Grisha Perelman的三篇文章放在首页. 这事这人都是前所未有~~!

22 Aug 2006: servers are currently under very heavy load due to demand for Grisha Perelman’s papers, published only as arXiv.orge-prints, which are available below. We encourage you to use a mirror such as or, and we thank you for your patience as we try to accommodate the demand. Perleman was named a Fields Medalist at the opening ceremony of the International Mathematical Union. moderator Terence Tao was also named a Fields Medalist. See for information about the four medalists and their publications including e-prints.

Grisha Perelman’s papers on :

1. math.DG/0307245 [abs, ps, pdf] :
Title: Finite extinction time for the solutions to the Ricci flow on certain three-manifolds
Authors: Grisha Perelman

2. math.DG/0303109 [abs, ps, pdf]:
Title: Ricci flow with surgery on three-manifolds
Authors: Grisha Perelman

3. math.DG/0211159 [abs, ps, pdf] :
Title: The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications
Authors: Grisha Perelman


In General Relativity, the Royal Society is about 10-25 Years Out-dated

Professor Liu Liao
Peking normal University

Dear Professor Liu:

How are you?

For a long time, it was a puzzle to me why nobody in Royal Society informed Hawking that his singularity theorems is actually not applicable in physics? It was proven about ten years ago that his assumption of unique sign for all coupling constants is invalid experimentally [1] and theoretically [2, 3]. Recently, I have the answer. This is simply that the other members of the Royal society are at least 25 years out-dated. This seems to be a joke, but it is not.

The problem actually started from 1959. In that year, Bondi, Pirani, & Robinson [4] claimed to have s plane-wave solution with a distant source. The trouble is that their solution is not bounded in amplitude, and thus violates Einstein’s requirement for weak gravity [5]. I pointed out this to the editorial of the Royal Society, and got a response that this boundedness “is a coordinate-dependent condition, and is physically meaningless”. Clearly, their objection to Einstein’s requirement, is based on the so-called “covariance principle” of Einstein.

However, Zhou Pei-Yuan of Peking University pointed out in 1982 [6] and 1983 [7] that the “covariance principle” was invalid. Recently, I also illustrate this invalidity with examples [8, 9]. In other words, they are about 25 years out-dated.

Professor S. –J. Chang commented that these theorists probably treat general relativity as if a sect of religion. He had some experience similar to this when he was at Harvard. Many rejected the field theory then.

However, to make Einstein’s requirement clearly coordinate-independent, still requires some work. On this, I have written a paper, “Validity of Einstein’s Requirement on Weak Gravity and Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence”. The file is attached for your perusal. Any comments you may have will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
C. Y. Lo

1. Lo C. Y. 1995 Astrophys. J. 455: 421-428.
2. Lo C. Y. 1997 Astrophys. J. 477: 700-704.
3. Einstein A., 1982, ‘E = mc2′ (1946) in Ideas and Opinions (Dover, NEW York).
4. Bondi H., Pirani F. A. E. & Robinson I. 1959 Proc. R. Soc. London A 251, 519-533.
5. Einstein A., The Meaning of Relativity (1921) (Princeton Univ. Press, 1954).
6. Zhou (Chou) P. Y. 1982 Scientia Sinica (Series A), XXV (6) 628-643.
7. Zhou (Chou) P. Y. 1983 “On Coordinates and Coordinate Transformation in Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation” in Proc. of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meetings on Gen. Relativ. ed. Hu Ning, Science Press & North Holland, 1-20.
8. Lo C. Y., 2004 Chin. Phys., 13 (2), 159.
9. Lo C. Y., 2006 Astrophys. Space Sci., 306: 205-215 (DOI 10.1007/s10509-006-9221-x).

by 过客 on 2007/02/20 at 17:00. 回复 #

Subject: The Physical Review versus the Royal Society on Gravity, both are 25 years out-dated

Professor C. Wong

Dear Chuen:

It is generally believed that the Physical Review and the Royal Society agree with each other almost everything on general relativity. The fact is nothing can be further than this from the truth. Recently, I discovered there is a big difference between these two giant scientific institutes on gravity.

It is well known that the Physical Review believed incorrectly [1, 2] that the so-called “covariance principle” is valid in physics. Therefore, they believed incorrectly that Pauli’s version of the equivalence principle is essentially the same as Einstein’s equivalence principle and the dynamic solution exists for the Einstein equation of 1915 [3, 4]. However, they also believed Einstein’s requirement on weak gravity, which is a basic assumption of the parameterized Post-Newtonian Approximation advocated by Clifford M. Will. In addition, they interpreted incorrectly [5], in disagreement with Einstein [6], that E = mcc as unconditional equivalence between mass and any type of energy.

A big challenge from the editorial of the Royal Society is that, as shown in the 1959 paper of Bondi et al [7], they considered Einstein’s requirement on weak gravity meaningless in physics because it is coordinate-dependent [8]. In other words, they believe the “covariance principle”, but rejected Einstein’s requirement on weak gravity.

Such a challenge is particular serious to Will, who has built his career essentially on the Parameterized Post-Newtonian Approximation (PPNA), while claiming validity of the “covariance principle”. However, although the paper of Bondi et al [7] is well known, nobody responded to such a challenge directly from the Physical Review. This seems to suggest unequivocally that few theorists such as Zhou [9, 10], other than the editorial of the Royal Society, understand the implication of the so-called “covariance principle” in physics.

Recently, I submitted an article, “The Necessity of Unifying Gravitation and Electromagnetism and the Mass-Charge Repulsive Force” (DB10370), in which the problems currently in general relativity is mentioned. Naturally, Dr. Eric J. Weinberg, the editor of the Physical Review D did not like such short-comings mentioned since most of such papers are published in the Physical Review. Then, he commented my paper, “considerable space is devoted to unsubstantiated and irrelevant remarks on the alleged incompetence of various physicists”. Moreover, probably due to his emotional state, he made a mistake on black hole, which is in disagreement with Hawking and Ellis [11].

Now, it seems that, in addition to Feynman’s comments on the competency of theorists on relativity, I should add the comments of the Royal Society to strength my judgment. I wonder he still labeled criticisms as “unsubstantiated and irrelevant.”

As an editor, Dr. Weinberg does not have to be an expert of everything. What I do not understand is that why he has to pretend as an expert of general relativity, a field obviously his knowledge is very limited. Nevertheless, he is the editor that one has to deal with carefully. For your perusal, the revised paper is attached herewith. Any suggestions you may have will be appreciated. Thank you.

Zhou [9, 10] correctly recognized that Einstein’s requirement for weak gravity is valid, but the “covariance principle” is invalid. This makes him a theoretical giant among the others. In other words, in comparison to Zhou, they are about 25 years out-dated.

Sincerely yours,

C. Y. Lo


1. Lo C. Y., The Bending of Light Ray and Unphysical Solutions in General Relativity, Chin. Phys., 13 (2), 159-167 (February 2004).
2. Lo C. Y., The Principle of General Relativity, the Restriction to Covariance, and Stanford’s Experiment Gravity Probe-B, Phys. Essays 18 (1), 112-124 (March 2005).
3. Lo C. Y., The Gravitational “Plane Waves” of Liu and Zhou and the Nonexistence of Dynamic Solutions for Einstein’s Equation, Astrophys. Space Sci., 306: 205-215 (2006) (DOI 10.1007/s10509-006-9221-x).
4. Lo C. Y., Einstein’s Radiation Formula and Modifications to the Einstein Equation, Astrophysical Journal 455, 421-428 (Dec. 20, 1995).
5. Lo C. Y., 1997, Astrophys. J. 477, 700-704.
6. Einstein A., 1982, ‘E = mc2′ (1946) in Ideas and Opinions (Dover, NEW York).
7. Bondi H., Pirani F. A. E., & Robinson I. 1959. Proc. R. Soc. London A 251, 519-533.
8. Pring, F., The Royal Society, reported the Board Member’s Comments, “The author wishes to require that the components of the metric be bounded. This is a coordinate-dependent condition, and is physically meaningless. (By this criterion, one would have to say that the flat metric on a plane in polar coordinates is unphysical, since r is unbounded.)” (Jan. 8, 2007).
9. Zhou (Chou) P. Y. 1982. Scientia Sinica (Series A), 1982 XXV (6) 628-643.
10. Zhou (Chou) P. Y. 1983. “On Coordinates and Coordinate Transformation in Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation” in Proc. of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meetings on Gen. Relativ. ed. Hu Ning, Science Press & North Holland. (1983), 1-20.
11. Hawking S. W. & Ellis G. F. R. 1979. The Large Scale Structure of Space-time (Cambridge University, 1979), p. 156.

by 过客 on 2007/03/16 at 09:07. 回复 #

The Principle of Causality and the Physical Review
Subject: The Principle of Causality

Dear Professor Liu:

My paper,”Einstein versus the Physical Review on Gravitational Waves and the Principle of Causality ” is attached herewith for your perusal. The paper was written for the July conference in Moscow, Russia. Since the Chinese theorists would have a meeting in April, I thought some of them would be interested.

The principle of causality was perceived when I was an undergraduate student studying electrodynamics. At that times, I thought that everybody naturally think that a symmetry of in the physical solution was due to the principle of causality. Thus, this thought was not mentioned to anybody until many years later when I used it in a paper on general relativity. Then, I started to know that the world actually think very differently from the principle of causality.

Recently, I realized that the deficiency in understanding the principle of causality adequately is a major problem for some theorists, including the famous ones such a Ellis, Penrose and ‘t Hooft, in general relativity. The editorials of the Physical Review and the Royal Society also have such a problem. This is why I write this paper. This may sound very much expected, but you will see this point as you read my paper.

Moreover, many theorists thought that they understand Einstein’s principle of equivalence because they have worked on the area of gravitation for a long time, and would not have a second thought that they may not understand it. Thus, a different emphasis on issues of waves in general relativity may help them to start thinking.

This paper is still a draft that is subjected to modification. Any comments you may have will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

C. Y. Lo

by 过客 on 2007/03/24 at 11:07. 回复 #

Subject: Academic Dishonesty outside China

Dear Professor Coleman:

Currently, academic dishonesty is a hot subject in China. An implicit assumption is that such things do not normally happen outside China, for instance, the US. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. However, this is done in a more subtle and organized way, often abusing the peer reviewing system in the form of authority worship although sometimes baseless claims are made up, just to appear as having reasons to reject a paper. Nevertheless, in the final analysis, academic dishonesty anywhere is wrapped with, if not out right lies, statements based on unsubstantiated opinions instead of facts.

So the cure is simply just insisting on opinions must eventually be supported with facts as Galileo taught us. However, this is hard to be implemented because this means much more work for the editors. Moreover, this also requires that perceived authorities must admit their ignorance even errors in some occasions. Perhaps, these would explain that such a simply method is often forgotten while we play lip service to the teaching of Galileo all the time.

In general relativity, currently there are still two fundamental problems, misinterpretations of Einstein’s equivalence principle and the acceptance of the invalid “covariance principle”. Einstein’s equivalence principle was incomprehensible because the coordinates were ambiguous. Although theorists such as Eddington and Whitehead saw the “covariance principle” problematic right at the beginning, many are simply overwhelmed by the accuracy of the predictions. Subsequently, because of no better substitution, invalidity was accepted by many as valid and misinterpretation was accepted by many as the “standard” interpretation. It is amazing that an inconsistent theory has that many followers.

Currently, misinterpretations of Einstein’s equivalence principle and the acceptance of the invalid “co-variance principle”, in effect, have developed into efforts conspired to give deceptive predictions. For example, Will [1], the Chair of NASA’s Science Advisory Committee for Gravity Probe B, in a paper published in Physical Review D, claimed that there is only one covariant formula for the de Sitter precession. However, Will has a record of being dishonest in science [2, 3]. Detailed calculations show that there is no covariant formula, but different formulas for the de Sitter precession [4]. Thus, as a matter of facts, the Physical Review D has become a tool for Will’s game of deception.

I attempt to rectify this situation because the project Gravity Probe-B has an accumulated cost of about 0.75 billions dollars. I would submit my paper to the Physical Review D, but the editor Eric J. Weinberg would not let my papers reaching the hand of a referee. I submitted to Il Nuovo Cimento B a paper, “Precession Formulas for Gravity Probe-B and Its Complementary Experiment of Local Light Speeds” that shows for a given frame of reference, the precession formulas are not independent of the gauges as the covariance principle requires. However, after half a year of reviewing, I got a most ridiculous report, in disagreement of Einstein, claiming, that the covariance principle means such formulas of different gauges, but the same frame of reference, must be different.

It seems to me there are organized efforts to cheat the US public that spend the money for such experiments. In view of that the experiment results would be announced before the end of 2007, I decided to write a paper for the conference on Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory at Moscow, Russia this summer. Hopefully, this would break a conspired (if true) deception. This article would expose to the public the fact that this experiment cannot tell the difference between Whitehead’s theory of gravity from Einstein’s theory. Thus, the ignorance of the so-called experts would also be manifested.

Thank you for your kind attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you for any comments you may have.

Respectfully yours,

C. Y. Lo

1. C. M. Will, Phys. Rev. D, 67, 062003-1 (2003).
2. C. M Will, Astrophys. J. 204, 224-34 (1976).
3. C. Y. Lo, Astrophys. J. 477, 700-704 (1997).
4. C. Y. Lo, Phys. Essays 18 (1), 112-124 (March 2005).

by 过客 on 2007/04/01 at 17:44. 回复 #

Subject: The “Covariance Principle” and R. M. Wald

Dear Professor Cao:

Currently, many well–known theorists such as Wald [1] try to justify the “covariance principle” in terms of the mathematical covariance of the laws in physics. They have made a logical error since the covariance of physics law among coordinate systems which are valid in physics does not lead to unrestricted covariance. In fact, it has been shown [2] that Einstein’s “principle of covariance” has no theoretical basis in physics or observational support beyond what is allowed by the principle of general relativity.

However, in view of that there are many people fell into the faulty logic of Wald [1], it seems to be necessary to add an Appendix (attached) to my paper. Any comments you may have will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
C. Y. Lo
Appendix B: Invalidity of the “Covariance Principle”

The so-called “covariance principle” is a favorite among applied mathematicians, who often over-looked physical requirements. In fact, the creation of such a principle is due to Einstein’s failure to identify adequately the physical meaning of the coordinates. Einstein called it the “principle of covariance” [3], “The general laws of nature are to be expressed by equations which hold good for all systems of co-ordinates, that is, are co-variant with respect to any substitutions whatever (generally co-variant).” In view of that the “principle of covariance” is an interim assumption due to Einstein’s certain ignorance of the space-time coordinates [3], it is only natural that such an invalid “principle” is a source of theoretical inconsistence in Einstein’s theory [4] although this “principle” is an extension of covariance in special relativity.

A basic assumption in the “covariance Principle” is that all the laws in physics are unrestrictly covariant. However, it has been shown that Einstein’s equivalence principle is not unrestrictly covariant [2] as illustrated in Appendix A. Moreover, in physics there is no exchange of the time coordinate system and a space coordinate system. Later Einstein [5] remarked “As in the special theory of relativity, we have to discriminate between time-like and space-like line elements in the four dimensional continuum; owing to the change of sign introduced, time-like line elements have a real, space-like line elements an imaginary ds.”

Thus, the justification of Wald [1] for this “principle” is invalid. He pointed out correctly that there is not preferred vector field. Logically, however, this does not lead to his conclusion that covariance is not restricted to coordinate systems, which are valid in physics. In fact, it has been shown [2] that Einstein’s “principle of covariance” has no theoretical basis in physics or observational support beyond what is allowed by the principle of general relativity.

Moreover, this “principle” leads to the notion of Lorentz manifolds [1] that cannot be one-one corresponding to a four-dimensional Minkowski space. Then, for such a manifold, Einstein’s requirement for weak gravity would not be applicable. In support of the “covariance principle”, Einstein [5] remarked that the bending of light can be derived from the Schwarzschild different metrics with the same frame of reference. However, these metrics give different formulas for the de Sitter precession [2], and thus become good counter examples. Since the root of this error is due to Einstein’s failure in laying down coordinates in a definite manner [3], to resolve this problem, one must identify the physical meaning of space-time coordinates [6].

1. R. M. Wald, General Relativity (The Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1984).
2. C. Y. Lo, The Principle of General Relativity, the Restriction to Covariance, and Stanford’s Experiment Gravity Probe-B, Phys. Essays 18 (1), 112-124 (March 2005).
3. A. Einstein, H. A. Lorentz, H. Minkowski, H. Weyl, The Principle of Relativity (Dover, New York, 1923).
4. C. Y. Lo, On Criticisms of Einstein’s Equivalence Principle, Phys. Essays 16 (1), 84-100 (March 2003).
5. A. Einstein, The Meaning of Relativity (Princeton Univ. Press, 1954).
6. C. Y. Lo, Space Contractions, Local Light Speeds, and the Question of Gauge in General Relativity, Chinese J. of Phys. (Taipei), 41 (4), 233-343 (August 2003).

by 过客 on 2007/03/26 at 11:13. 回复 #






by 过客 on 2007/05/25 at 20:23. 回复 #

北大似乎有必要進行嚴肃的整頓 鲁重贤 五月二十八日



by 过客 on 2007/05/28 at 11:40. 回复 #

On the Contribution of Zhou Pei-Yuan to General Relativity

Dear Professor Cao and Professor Liu:

I have been wondering why the out-standing contribution of Professor Zhou Pei-Yuan of Peking University was not properly rec-ognized even in China. Recently, I have my answer from the announcements in the Internet from different academic organizations in China. From these announcements, I conclude that Zhou’s work was still not well understood at least to those organizations in China. Thus, these would add tremendous difficulties to expect that Zhou’s contribution could be recognized worldwide. The purpose of writing this letter is let you know the facts that you would help improving such a situation.

From the announcements, the contributions of Zhou on general relativity are either without the necessary details or with some details of invalid attributions. In short, none of the announcements indicate an accurate over all understanding of Zhou’s work. These inevitably allow some theorists to belittle or even sneeze at Zhou’s contributions on general relativity and the academic achievements of China. Naturally, this would also add strength to those, who believe in “authorities” in this field, instead of the principle that practice (or experiments) is the only criterion for a theory.

For example, in the announcement of Chinese Academy, Zhou’s contribution is simply,
“主要从事物理学的基础理论中难度最大的两个方面即爱因斯坦广义相对论引力论和流体力学中的湍流理论的研究与教 学并取得出色成果。”
I did not find any other announcement form the Chinese Academy. However, since Professor Peng [1, 2], a student of Zhou and out standing theoretical physicist in China, also did not know the significant of Zhou’s work, I concluded that they probably did not know. In the announcement of中国科学技术协会, Zhou’s contribution with details (see attached) has the following errors and/or in accuracy:

1) Zhou is not a “坐标有关论者”1), which is known to all physicists to be incorrect. What he pointed out is that the physi-cal meaning of coordinates depends on the gauge chosen. Moreover, this gauge dependence can be derived from Ein-stein’s equivalence principle [3, 4]. From Zhou’s experiment [5, 6], it is clear that Zhou is probably the first theorist who understands that Einstein’s equivalence principle implies invalidity of the gauge invariance and the “covariance princi-ple”2). Such an inconsistency is overlooked by Einstein and other theorists until recently. For this reason alone, Zhou is the greatest theorist on general relativity of his time after Einstein.
2) From Zhou’s papers [5], it is clear that the difference between the vertical and horizontal light speeds is not zero for the Lanzos solution although it is zero for the isotropic solution. Moreover, according to the editorial of the Chinese Physics, the experimental result is unclear in favor of the Schwarzschild solution or the isotropic and Lanzos solutions. I check with the original paper [6], and the editorial of Chinese Physics is correct.
3) However, there are existing experiments that is clearly in favor of the isotropic and Lanzos solutions [7, 8]. They are the experiments on gravitational radiation of binary pulsars, and the first experiment of this kind, the Hulse-Taylor experi-ment has won a Nobel Prize. In the explanation of these experiments, the Maxwell-Newton Approximation must be used [7] and this approximation rejects the Schwarzschild solution.
4) Zhou proposed the harmonic gauge only for the case of asymptotically flat metrics [2]. Fock [9], however, advocated the harmonic gauge unconditionally; and Fock’s proposal has been proven incorrect [10].

These are the errors and inaccuracy that I have found and this is probably not a complete list. However, I hope these com-ments would be useful for you to rectify the situation. Any questions and comments you may have will be appreciated. Please note that it is based on the work of Zhou that the knowledge of the current Royal Society is judged as about 25 years out-dated. However, if one counted from the date of Eddington [11], the current situation is about 85 years out dated!

Sincerely yours,

C. Y. Lo


1) Recently, a board member of the Royal Society comments [12], “The outcome off a real experiment cannot depend on a choice of coordinates. This is true for Newtonian theory as much as general relativity.”
2) The “covariance principle” leads to the notion of Lorentz manifolds [13] that cannot be one-one corresponding to a four-dimensional Minkowski space, and this is the theoretical basis for the paper of Bondi et al [14].


1. Peng Huanwu, & Xu Xiseng, The Fundamentals of Theoretical Physics (Peking University Press, Beijing, 2000).
2. Peng Huangwu, Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China), 31, 13-20 (1999).
3. An Existence of Local Minkowski Spaces is Insufficient for Einstein’s Equivalence Principle, Phys. Essays, 15 (3), 303-321 (September, 2002).
4. Space Contractions, Local Light Speeds, and the Question of Gauge in General Relativity, Chinese J. of Phys. (Taipei), 41 (4), 233-343 (August 2003).
5. Zhou Pei-yuan, “Further Experiments to Test Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation”, International Symposium on Experimental Gravitational Physics (Guangzhou, 3-8 August 1987), edited by Peter F. Michelson, 110-116 (World Sci., Singapore).
6. Measurement of the Relative Difference of the light Velocity in the Horizontal and vertical Directions on the Earth Surface Proceedings of the Fourth Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Seoul, Korea, August 13-17, 1990, 2: 1155-1159.
7. Einstein’s Radiation Formula and Modifications to the Einstein Equation, Astrophysical Journal 455, 421-428 (1995).
8. On Incompatibility of Gravitational Radiation with the 1915 Einstein Equation, Phys. Essays 13 (4), 527-539 (2000).
9. V. A. Fock, The Theory of Space Time and Gravitation, translated by N. Kemmer (Pergamon Press, 1964).
10. Misunderstandings Related to Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence, and Einstein’s Theoretical Errors on Measurements, Phys. Essays 18 (4), 547-560 (December, 2005).
11. A.S. Eddington, The Mathematical Theory of Relativity (Chelsea, New York, 1975), p. 10.
12. Louise Le Bas, Publishing Editor, the Royal Society, A Board Member’s Comments (July 24, 2007).
13. R. M. Wald, General Relativity (The Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1984).
14. H. Bondi, F. A. E. Pirani, & I. Robinson, Proc. R. Soc. London A 251, 519-533 (1959).

 广义相对论在物理上取得了许多辉煌成就,但从一开始就存在着一个困难,这就是,表达引力场的方程是一个包含10个二阶非线性偏微分方程的方程 组,而这10个方程之间又存在着4个独立的非线性偏微分方程组所组成的恒等式,也称为比安基(Bianchi)恒等式,这就使得只用引力方程得不到10个 引力函数的确定解。周培源一进入相对论领域便抓住这个难题,主张引进另外的物理条件才能求解出引力函数的确定解。沿循这个思路,周培源在20世纪20年代 用引入新物理条件的办法获得了轴对称静态引力场的若干解,以后又于20世纪30年代在引入各向同性条件下,又求得了与静止场不同类型的严格解。
  与此同时,国际上的同行学者为了克服上述困难,采用坐标变换的方法来减少引力函数的数目。但这种方法只能求出一种常微分方程的特殊引力场——球 对称静态引力场的严格解,例如史瓦西(Schwazchild)解,而对众多的其他物理问题仍然束手无策。沿着这条思路求解引力场方程的相对论研究者,在 国际上称为“坐标无关论者”。他们主张坐标在引力论中无关紧要。与此相反,周培源从一开始进行引力论研究时,就认为坐标是有物理意义的,因此他是一位“坐 标有关论者”。“坐标有关论者”在一些特殊问题上,引进谐和条件以求解引力场方程的做法,可以追溯到1919年爱因斯坦本人。他引进谐和条件的近似式来求 解线性化了的引力场方程,从而获得了引力波解,预言了引力波的存在。后来,德•东德(de Donder)将谐和条件严格化。1923年,郎曲斯(Lanzos)曾用这一条件得到了球对称静态引力场的解。
  沿着这条思路,1979年,周培源把严格的谐和条件作为一个物理条件添加进引力场方程中,和他在北京大学的同事以及他在高能物理所的学生一起, 发表了多篇论文,其中包括无限平面、无限长杆、围绕无限长杆作心速转动的稳态解和严格的平面波解。面对当前存在的两个解,即坐标无关论者的史瓦西解和坐标 有关论者的郎曲斯解,从20世纪70年代开始,周培源和他的学生李永贵开始从事测量与地面垂直和与地面平行的两种光速的比较实验,希望回答两种解中哪一种 更符合实际。理论上,史瓦西解得到的两种光速的一级近似之差与光速之比为7×10︰10,而郎曲斯解的这一比值为零。目前,李永贵所获得的这个比值在准确 到10︰9时表明:两种光速是相等的。这项实验仍在进行中,以期取得更高一级的近似。这是“坐标有关论者”同“坐标无关论者”两种理论较量中的关键性实 验。它的进一步结果,将是整个物理界所关心的。
在广义相对论方面,周培源一直致力于求解引力场方程的确定解,并应用于宇宙论的研究。早在二三十年代,他就求得了轴对称静态引力场的若干解,与静止场不同 类型的严格解,并于1939年证实,在球对称膨胀宇宙中,若物质和辐射处于热平衡态,则宇宙必为弗里德曼宇宙。70年代末,他又把严格的谐和条件作为一个 物理条件添加进引力场方程,求得一系列静态解、稳态解及宇宙解。还指导研究生进行了与地面平行和垂直的光速比较实验,以探求史瓦西解和郎曲斯解哪一个更符 合静态球对称引力场的客观实际。初步结果已显示出,郎曲斯解与实际相符。80年代,周培源致力于广义相对论的基本问题,即经过坐标变换联系起来的几个解, 究竟应该是一个解还是几个解。他对照流体力学中保角变换,认为这种情形应该是几个解而不是一个解。产生这种不确定的原因在于爱因斯坦方程缺少必要的坐标条 件。

by 过客 on 2007/08/06 at 13:38. 回复 #

The Royal Society is about 25 years out-dated in general relativity

Dear Professor Wong:

How are you?

I have claimed that the Royal Society is out-dated in general relativity for about 25 years. Although nobody challenged me for such a claim, there are probably many skeptics. Recently, however, my communication [1] with the editorial of Proceedings A further confirms my claim.

In defense of the “covariant principle”, that a Board Member [1] argued that the outcome off a real experiment cannot depend on a choice of coordinates, and this is true for Newtonian theory as much as general relativity. He further argued, “If one makes the mistake of attributing incorrect physical properties to one’s coordinates — for example, assuming that because two objects in different coordinate systems are both labeled r, they must measure the same distance, or assuming that any coordinate labeled r must measure proper radial distance — then one can mistakenly conclude that computations in different coordinate systems disagree. But as long as one identifies genuinely measurable quantities, their values cannot depend on coordinates.” Thus, the issue is the correct properties to one’s coordinates.

The core of his argument is the belief that two different gauges for the same frame of reference just two different mathematical coordinate systems, i. e., two ways of labeling. This is not true because, in physics, physical meanings must be attributed to a coordinate system such that the physical quantities expressed in terms of coordinates have appropriate physical meanings [4, 5]. Moreover, Einstein and his followers actually did not practice what he preached [6-12]. The physical meaning of coordinates is implicitly used in the symmetry considerations. In fact, all physical predictions, including Einstein’s own three tests, must be understood in terms of the physical meaning of coordinates.

Apparently, this Board Member follows faithfully the idea of Einstein. However, the “covariance principle” has been out dated about 25 years ago when Zhou Pei-Yuan [4] spoke out against it. Let us examine Einstein’s supporting arguments [2] are as follows:
“That this requirement of general covariance, which takes away from space and time the last remnant of physical objectivity, is a natural one, will be seen from the following reflexion. All our space-time verifications invariably amount to a determination of space-time coincidences. If, for example, events consisted merely in the motion of material points, then ultimately nothing would be observable but the meetings of two or more of these points. Moreover, the results of our measurings are nothing but verifications of such meetings of the material points of our measuring instruments with other material points, coincidences between the hands of a clock and points on the clock dial, and observed point-events happening at the same place at the same time. The introduction of a system of reference serves no other purpose than to facilitate the description of the totality of such coincidences.”
Einstein’s arguments, though convinced many, are actually false. Note that the meaning of measurements is crucially omitted. First, his arguments are incompatible with his earlier argument for defining time relating to local clocks [2]. Moreover, in order to predict events, one must be able to relate events of different locations in a definite manner. This means a valid method of measurement is necessary in physics [13-17].

Any comments you may have will be appreciated. Thank you for your kind attention. I am looking forward to hearing form you.

Sincerely yours,

C. Y. Lo

1. Louise Le Bas, Publishing Editor, the Royal Society, A Board Member Comments (July 24, 2007).
2. A. Einstein, H. A. Lorentz, H. Weyl, and H. Minkowski, The Principle of Relativity (Dover, New York, 1952); A. Einstein, Ann. Phys. (Leipig) 49, 769-822 (1916).
3. A. Einstein, The Meaning of Relativity (Princeton Univ. Press, 1954), p. 63, p. 87 & p. 93.
4. Zhou (Chou) Pei-yuan, “On Coordinates and Coordinate Transformation in Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation” in Proc. of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meetings on Gen. Relativ., ed. Hu Ning, Science Press & North Holland. (1983), 1-20.
5. Zhou Pei-yuan, “Further Experiments to Test Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation”, International Symposium on Experi mental Gravitational Physics (Guangzhou, 3-8 August 1987), edited by Peter F. Michelson, 110-116 (World Sci., Singapore).
6. Yu Yun-qiang, An Introduction to General Relativity (Peking Univ. Press, Beijing, 1997).
7. S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology (John Wiley, New York, 1972).
8. R. M. Wald, General Relativity (The Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1984).
9. H. C. Ohanian & R. Ruffini, Gravitation and Spacetime (Norton, New York, 1994).
10. N. Straumann, General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984).
11. Liu Liao, General Relativity (High Education Press, Shanghai, 1987), pp 26-30.
12. C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne, & J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation (Freeman, San Francisco, 1973).
13. C. Y. Lo, “On Criticisms of Einstein’s Equivalence Principle,” Phys. Essays 16 (1), 84-100 (March 2003).
14. C. Y. Lo, “The Principle of General Relativity, the Restriction to Covariance, and Stanford’s Experiment Gravity Probe-B,” Phys. Essays 18 (1), 112-124 (March 2005).
15. C. Y. Lo, Misunderstandings Related to Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence, and Einstein’s Theoretical Errors on Measurements, Phys. Essays 18 (4), 547-560 (December, 2005).
16. C. Y. Lo, Space Contractions, Local Light Speeds, and the Question of Gauge in General Relativity, Chinese J. of Phys. (Taipei), 41 (4), 233-343 (August 2003).
17. C. Y. Lo, The Bending of Light Ray and Unphysical Solutions in General Relativity, Chin. Phys. (Beijing), 13 (2), 159-167 (February 2004).

by 过客 on 2007/07/26 at 10:43. 回复 #



你实验的结果不但得到中国计量科学研究院测试证书,而且也被俄国科学家实验再确认。恭喜你! 你的工作给了”荷-质拒力” [1] 的存在一个实验的证据,也初步地证实了五度空间理论的威力 [2, 3]。王钏教授和我对此都十分高兴,特此致谢。更重要的,你也证明了爱因斯坦的质能变换公式 E = mc**2 有局限性 [4, 5]。


去年,我曾写了一封”关于诺贝尔奬”的公开信给江泽民先生,在光明罔等罔站上茇表。该信支持你的工作,但当时并未附上一份给你,今补附。目前,胡锦涛先生提倡以科学为荣。据近来跡像,并非”叶公好龙”。想来先生当可受到充份支持。 专此,

鲁重贤谨 八月十九日
1) C. Y. Lo, and C. Wong, The Intrinsic Difference between Mass and Electromagnetic Energy and the Repulsive Effect in Gravity, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, 25D (2), 109-117 (2006).
2) C. Y. Lo, The Necessity of Unifying Gravitation and Electromagnetism and the Mass-Charge Repulsive Effects in Gravity, XIII Moscow International Conference on Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Monday 2 July – Thursday 5 July 2007.
3) C. Y. Lo, G. R. Goldstein and A. Napier, Electromagnetic Radiation Reaction Force and Radiation Potential in General Five-Dimensional Relativity, Hadronic Journal 12 (2) 75-89 (1989).
4) C. Y. Lo, Remarks on Interpretations of the Eötvös Experiment and Misunderstandings of E = mc2, Chin. Phys. (Beijing), 16 (3), 635-639 (March 2007).
5) C. Y. Lo, Comments on Misunderstandings of Relativity, and the Theoretical Interpretation of the Kreuzer Experiment, Astrophys. J. 477, 700-704 (March 10, 1997).



我以为你所问的人并不能给你个有效的答案。因为在场的人不是本身与诺奬无缘,便是对中国的学术请况不了解。例如,给你介绍的”时间简史”便是一本有许多错误的书 [1]。而且,霍金教授本人便是科学上并无实在的成就,只是徒具虚名之辈 [1, 2]。



鲁重贤谨 十月+五日


1. 鲁重贤:霍金教授是现代的爱因斯坦 吗?
2.鲁重贤:超弦统一理论的先天不足–多维新闻网 – 48k –

by 过客 on 2007/08/19 at 08:01. 回复 #

Einstein wins the argument on the incompleteness of quantum theory.

Dear Professor Cao and Professor Liu:

In the conference on general relativity in Moscow, the part of my work that catches attention naturally including 1) the necessity of unification between gravity and electromagnetism [1], 2) the invalidity of Einstein’s covariance principle [2. 3] and 3) the difference between the Physical Review and the Royal Society on Einstein’s requirement on weak gravity [2, 3]. However, the most attention is on the proof the incompleteness of quantum theory.

It is well-known that quantum mechanics started with the notion of photon proposed by Einstein. However, Einstein claimed that quantum theory is incomplete because it is a probabilistic theory. In the famous argument between Einstein and Bohr, Einstein gave his famous claim that God does not play dice [4]. It appears until recently that none of the sides wins, but the physics community is now basically in the side with Bohr because the success of quantum theory rather than any improvement of the arguments.

Recently, my research showed that Einstein actually win the argument because quantum is indeed incomplete, although I did not solve the problem whether a probabilistic theory could be final. The problem is in the notion of photons. In current Quantum theory, a photon is considered as consisting of the electromagnetic energy only. However, such as notion is in conflict with Einstein’s famous formula E = mc**2. Since the trace of the electromagnetic energy-stress tensor is always zero, an electromagnetic energy alone can never be equivalence to the massive energy whose energy-stress tensor has a nonzero trace [5]. This problem is resolved by realizing that light includes gravitational energy. Since gravity is ignored in current quantum theory, it is clearly incomplete [5, 6].

This incompleteness suggests that the problem of renormalization can be understood rationally in terms of physics only if we have a unified theory of gravity and electromagnetism. Since such unification has been proven necessary, there is plenty jobs in physics and new explorations in physics that are waiting for the new generation of young physicists.

I shall appreciate any comments you may have. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

C. Y. Lo


1. C. Y. Lo, The Necessity of Unifying Gravitation and Electromagnetism and the Mass-Charge Repulsive Effects in Gravity, XIII Moscow International Conference on Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Monday 2 July – Thursday 5 July 2007
2. C. Y. Lo, Einstein’s Equivalence Principle, its Justifications, and Misinterpretations, XIII Moscow International Conference on Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Monday 2 July – Thursday 5 July 2007
3. C. Y. Lo, Einstein versus the Physical Review on Gravitational Waves and the Principle of Causality, XIII Mos-cow International Conference on Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, July 2– 5 2007.
4. A. Pais, ‘Subtle is the Lord…’ (Oxford University Press, New York, 1982)
5. C. Y. Lo, The Gravity of Photons and the Necessary Rectification of Einstein Equation, Prog. in Phys., V. 1, 46-51 (2006).
6. C. Y. Lo, Completing Einstein’s Proof of E = mc2, Progress in Phys., Vol. 4, 14-18 (2006).

by 过客 on 2007/07/15 at 13:03. 回复 #

The Physical Review and the Game of Deception

Dear Professor Wong:

I would like to report to you some of the events in the conference on general relativity in Moscow.

I point out an unpleasant fact that many current famous theorists actually do not understand adequately the principle of causality, the foundation of scientific research [1, 2, 3]. This problem is probably largely responsible for the lack of real progresses as claimed in some branch of physics, namely, in the area of gravitation.

This is a serious problem because it involves the editorials of the Physical Review, and well-known theorists. Such a list includes Hawking, Penrose, Will (Chair of NASA’s Science Advisory Committee for Gravity Probe B, and the President of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation) as well as the Wheeler School that dominates the area of gravitation in the US. Moreover, a recent Nobel Laureate ‘t Hooft is also in this unpleasant list, and for this reason alone, Professor ‘t Hooft is essentially still a mathematician, but not yet a physicist.

Currently, misinterpretations of Einstein’s equivalence principle and the acceptance of the invalid “covariance principle”, in effect, have developed into efforts conspired to give deceptive claims. For example, Will in a paper published in Physical Review D, claimed that there is only one covariant formula for the de Sitter precession. However, explicit calculations have shown that there is no such covariant formula. Will also has a record of being dishonest in science [3]. Thus, as a matter of facts, the Physical Review D has become a tool for Will’s game of deception.

Obviously, this is a very difficult situation to change. However, since the genii have been out of the bottle now, it is hope that the National Science Foundation and companies supporting such research would check whether the tax-dollars and the company money are spent for the said purpose.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Sincerely yours,

C. Y. Lo


1. C. Y. Lo, The Necessity of Unifying Gravitation and Electromagnetism and the Mass-Charge Repulsive Effects in Gravity, XIII Moscow International Conference on Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Monday 2 July – Thursday 5 July 2007.

2. C. Y. Lo, Einstein’s Equivalence Principle, its Justifications, and Misinterpretations, XIII Moscow International Conference on Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Monday 2 July – Thursday 5 July 2007.

3. C. Y. Lo, Einstein versus the Physical Review on Gravitational Waves and the Principle of Causality, XIII Moscow International Conference on Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Monday 2 July – Thursday 5 July 2007.

by 过客 on 2007/07/18 at 14:33. 回复 #

Some Criticisms on the viewpoints of the Physical Review

Eric J. Weinberg, Editor
The Physical Review D

Dear Dr. Weinberg:

How are you?

In July 2-5, I participated to the XIII International Meeting Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, in Moscow . The main purpose is to present my report,
“The Necessity of Unifying Gravitation and Electromagnetism and the Mass-Charge Repulsive Effects in Gravity”.
This paper has been well received. In addition, I have presented two other papers.

I also presented the paper, “Einstein versus the Physical Review on Gravitational Waves and the Principle of Causality”. In this paper, I criticized your editorial for the following reasons:
1) Your editorial accepted wave solutions with unbounded amplitude, and Einstein’s requirement on weak gravity was implicitly rejected in disagreement with the principle of causality.
2) Your editorial and others did not understand Einstein’s equivalence principle and incorrectly regarded it as essentially the same as Pauli’s version.
3) Your editorial accepted the invalid interim “covariance principle”.
4) Currently, misinterpretations of Einstein’s equivalence principle and the acceptance of the invalid “covariance principle”, in effect, have developed into efforts conspired to give deceptive claims such as the so-called covariant formula of de Sitter Precession by Will.

Nevertheless, the Physical Review is not alone on such problems. For example well-known theorists such as Penrose and Nobel Laureate, ‘t Hooft also did not understand the principle of causality adequately. The file of this paper is attached herewith for your perusal.

The purpose of informing you this matter is to guard against any misunderstanding such as that the views of the Physical Review have been changed. Moreover, if you feel that there is a need to present your view in a more accurate manner, or to defend your view, I would recommend that your opinion be published along with my article. This would give a chance for the readers to appreciate the view of the Physical Review better.

Thank you for your kind attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

C. Y. Lo

by 过客 on 2007/07/20 at 07:04. 回复 #

C. N. Yang versus P. Y. Zhou on General Relativity – an issue to be discussed

Professor C. N. Yang,
Department of Physics
Tsinghua University
E-mail: ,

Dear Professor Yang:

How are you?

In July 2-5 2007, I participated to the XIII International Meeting Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, in Moscow . The main purpose is to present my report, “The Necessity of Unifying Gravitation and Electromagnetism and the Mass-Charge Repulsive Effects in Gravity”. This paper has been well received. In addition, I have presented two other papers: “Einstein versus the Physical Review on Gravitational Waves and the Principle of Causality” and “Einstein’s Equivalence Principle, Justifications, and Misinterpretations”. From the feedbacks of the conference, I find that it is necessary to comment your view on general relativity because yours is in direct conflict with that of the late Professor Zhou Pei-Yuan.

You regarded general relativity as a gauge invariant theory [1]. However, Professor Zhou correctly pointed out that, according to Einstein’s equivalence principle as well as physical considerations, for a given frame of reference only one gauge is valid in physics [2, 3]. My comments are based on your paper of 1974 [1]. Although you are not alone on the view that general relativity is gauge invariant, many cited your paper because of your prominence in current gauge theories.

The purpose of informing you this matter is to guard against any misunderstanding such as that your view on general relativity may have been changed. Moreover, if you feel that there is a need to present your view in a more accurate manner, or to defend your view, I would recommend that your opinion be published along with my articles. This would give a chance for the readers to appreciate your view better.

My papers are attached herewith for your perusal. (For your convenience, your paper is highlighted in the reference.) Any comments you may have will be greatly appreciated. I have a dead line, October 1 2007, to send my papers to be published in the proceedings of the conference. However, I would return them at least two weeks ahead of the dead line.

Moreover, I would like to thank you again for your 1997 letter that you kindly promised to comment on my work. Unfortunately, I did not receive a subsequent letter. Thank you for your kind attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards.

Sincerely yours,
C. Y. Lo

1. C. N. Yang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 445 (1974); R. Pavelle, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 1461 (Dec. 1974).
2. Zhou Pei-Yuan, “On Coordinates and Coordinate Transformation in Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation” in Proc. of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meetings on Gen. Relativ. ed. Hu Ning, Sci. Press & North Holland. (1983), 1-20.
3. P. Y. Zhou (Chou), “Further Experiments to Test Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation” in Proc. of the International Symposium on Experimental Gravitational Physics, Guang Zhou, China August 1987.

by 过客 on 2007/08/12 at 00:26. 回复 #

On Experimental Confirmation of the Fifth Force by C. Y. Lo (鲁重贤)
Currently, there are four known forces, namely, as follows: the electromagnetic, the gravitational, the weak and the strong forces. The first two are long-range force and the last two are short-range forces. The electromagnetic force is a force between charges, and the gravitational force is a force between two masses.
However, a natural question that nobody asked for a long time is, is there a force between the mass and the charges? Recent theoretical research shows that there is indeed a repulsive force between the mass and the charges. This force between two point-like particles is proportional to the mass of one particle and the charge square of the other particle, but inversely proportional to the r3, where r is the distance between them. Moreover, a prediction based on this force is confirmed by experiments.
A consequence of the charge-mass repulsive force is that the theory of general relativity is incomplete and the unification between electromagnetism and gravitation is necessary, instead of just the desire of theorists such as Einstein. Another consequence of the fifth force is that an increase of energy of an object need not make things heavier although its mass may increase. The fact that a repulsive force exists in spite of the increment of energy also put a big question on the validity of current theory of black holes, which is essentially based on the out-dated Newtonian notion of gravity as a pure attractive force.
A natural candidate to accommodate the fifth force is the theory of five-dimensional relativity of five variables that Goldstein, Napier, and I proposed 25 years ago. The five-dimensional theory implies that the charge-mass repulsive force is not subjected to electromagnetic screening. This make a verification of this force much easier because the electromagnetic interferences could be too strong to see clearly the effects of such a force. Moreover, since this special characteristic does not exist in a four-dimensional theory, the verification of this force is also an evidence to support the existence of the fifth-dimension. I call the fifth axis as the w-axis, where w stands for the German word “wenderbar” in memorial of Kaluza, who originated the idea of a formal five-dimensional space.
A further surprise is that an experiment to verify the fifth force is actually rather simple. I proposed to weight the capacitor before and after it is being charged. I predicted that the charged capacitor would become lighter. Recent experiments confirm my prediction. It is even more interesting that the experimentalist, Mr. Liu originated the experiment on his own initiative. We separately go about our individual work without knowing the work of the other until at the last stage.

by 过客 on 2007/09/16 at 12:17. 回复 #

也談談楊振寧教授的非專業議論 鲁重贤

楊振寧教授常有非專業性的議論。為此,受到了不少贊賞或非議。近来的評論,除了少数惡意毁謗之外,多是以求全為出发點的。古語有云,言多必失。楊教授也不能例外。例如,他評論陈省身的数学成就,被認為是十分恰当。但是,楊振寧教授在广义相对論及周培源教授的評論,却暴露了他在這领域中,缺乏足夠的認識 [1-3]。

周培源教授在卄五年前已指出”協变原理”是錯誤的 [4, 5] ,而且近来這一錯誤已有明確的証明 [6-8]。但楊教授却直到最近依旧認為這是对的,而且承認了没有看过周教授的論文。更重要的是,爱因斯坦的测量理論已被証明與他的等效原理和实际覌察都有矛盾 [6, 9]。而且,因此覌察到的遠星红移其实是不可以作為宇宙膨脹的論據 [10]。但是以红移為論據的宇宙加速膨脹論,却被轻率地发给了邵逸夫奬。這显然與諾貝尔委員会力排众議地没有完全認同大家公認的广义相对論,大異其趣 [11]。也就是说,在楊教授领导下的邵奬委員会缺乏諾奬委員会的嚴謹性。


1. 鲁重贤:也谈谈“爱因斯坦的机遇和眼光”— 与杨振宁教授相榷, October, 2006.
2. C. Y. Lo, “C. N. Yang versus P. Y. Zhou on General Relativity – an issue to be discussed” August 12, 2007.
3. 鲁重贤:超弦统一理论的先天不足
DWNEWS.COM– 2006-10-09 18:59:34(京港台时间) –多维新闻网.
4. Zhou Pei-Yuan, “On Coordinates and Coordinate Transformation in Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation” in Proc. of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meetings on Gen. Relativ. ed. Hu Ning, Sci. Press & North Holland. (1983), 1-20.
5. P. Y. Zhou (Chou), “Further Experiments to Test Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation” in Proc. of the International Symposium on Experimental Gravitational Physics, Guang Zhou, China August 1987.
6. Space Contractions, Local Light Speeds, and the Question of Gauge in General Relativity, Chinese J. of Phys. (Taipei), 41 (4), 233-343 (August 2003).
7. The Bending of Light Ray and Unphysical Solutions in General Relativity, Chin. Phys. (Beijing), 13 (2), 159-167 (February 2004).
8. The Principle of General Relativity, the Restriction to Covariance, and Stanford’s Experiment Gravity Probe-B, Phys. Essays 18 (1), 112-124 (March 2005).
9. Misunderstandings Related to Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence, and Einstein’s Theoretical Errors on Measurements, Phys. Essays 18 (4), 547-560 (December, 2005).
10. On Interpretations of Hubble’s Law and the Bending of Light, Progress in Phys., Vol. 1, 10-13 (Jan., 2006).
11. Pais A. 1996. ‘Subtle is the Lord …’ (Oxford University Press, New York).

by 过客 on 2007/11/07 at 21:32. 回复 #


by 过客 on 2007/12/07 at 07:06. 回复 #

On the Nature of Physics and Invalidity of the “Covariance Principle” by C. Y. Lo

General relativity is established on two principles [1, 2], namely: 1) Einstein’s equivalence principle, which requires that a free falling point-like particle in a gravitational field is along a geodesic and results in a co-moving local Minkowski space; and 2) the principle of general relativity, that is “The law of physics must be of such a nature that they apply to systems of reference in any kind of motion.” However, the latter principle is practically replaced with unrestricted covariance, which Einstein called the “principle of covariance” [1], “The general laws of nature are to be expressed by equations which hold good for all systems of co-ordinates, that is, are co-variant with respect to any substitutions whatever (generally co-variant).”

The “principle of covariance” is an interim assumption of Einstein due to his inadequate understanding of the space-time co-ordinates, and such a “principle” is a source of theoretical inconsistence in Einstein’s theory [3]. This principle was first ques-tioned by Eddington [4] and was proven invalid recently [3]. Nevertheless, many still believe such a “principle” because it is the root of many errors. Currently a popular defense of the “covariance principle” is based on the notion of the so-called gauge in-variant measurable quantities. The idea is that if physical quantities can be expressed in term of gauge invariant quantities, then the theory is gauge invariant. However, just as Einstein’s arguments [1, 2] for the “covariance principle”, this notion has a fatal error, i.e. the issue of how to do a physical measurement is not addressed [3].

In such an approach, instead of the usual system of length and time, the genuinely measurable quantities would serve as a new measuring system. This new system includes no coordinate; otherwise it would be gauge dependent. Then, a question is what is used to measure the elements of the new system? If one has to use coordinates to measure such a genuine measurable quantity, then the end result is still gauge dependent and thus the gauge independence is only just a mathematical illusion. (However, nobody had thought about this.) Thus, this approach has little meaning other than misleading others.

Unfortunately, having discontinued the tradition of physical considerations of Eddington [4], the Royal Society of London is among the advocates of this absurdity. Consequently, this becomes a popular belief among theorists, who simply follow the “authorities”. The root of this problem is that theorists such as Penrose and Hawking are essentially mathematicians who understand little about physical requirements [5, 6, 7]. A major difference between physics and mathematics is that in a physical theory the question of measurement must be addressed in a consistent manner [3, 8, 9]. It is due to an inadequate ability to distinguish the difference between physics and mathematics that the notion of “genuinely measurable quantities” was created.

However, this kind of problem is not entirely new. Whitehead [10] has already pointed out that Einstein’s theory of meas-urement is not acceptable in physics. Fortunately, it has been found [11, 12, 13, 14] that Einstein’s theory of measurement is not an integral part of the theory of general relativity. Zhou [15] is the first pointing out the invalidity of the “covariant principle” while accepting Einstein’s equivalence principle, thus is a great theorist in general relativity. On the other hand, Nobel Laureate, C. N. Yang [16] had mistakenly accepted the “covariance principle” and thus believed incorrectly that general relativity is a gauge invariant theory.

1. A. Einstein, H. A. Lorentz, H. Weyl, and H. Minkowski, The Principle of Relativity (Dover, New York, 1952).
2. A. Einstein, The Meaning of Relativity (Princeton Univ. Press, 1954).
3. C. Y. Lo, The Principle of General Relativity, the Restriction to Covariance, and Stanford’s Experiment Gravity Probe-B, Phys. Essays 18 (1), 112-124 (March 2005).
4. A. S. Eddington, The Mathematical Theory of Relativity (Chelsea, New York, 1975), p. 10.
5. C. Y. Lo, Einstein’s Radiation Formula and Modifications to the Einstein Equation, Astrophysical Journal 455, 421-428 (Dec. 20, 1995).
6. C. Y. Lo, On Incompatibility of Gravitational Radiation with the 1915 Einstein Equation, Phys. Essays 13 (4), 527-539 (December, 2000).
7. C. Y. Lo, Einstein’s Equivalence Principle, the Principle of Causality, and Plane-Wave Solutions, Phys. Essays 20 (3) (Sept. 2007).
8. C. Y. Lo, Misunderstandings Related to Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence, and Einstein’s Theoretical Errors on Meas-urements, Phys. Essays 18 (4), 547-560 (December, 2005).
9. C. Y. Lo, Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence, and the Einstein-Minkowski Condition, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sci-ences, 26D (2), 117-132 (2007).
10. A. N. Whitehead, The Principle of Relativity (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1922).
11. C. Y. Lo, An Existence of Local Minkowski Spaces is Insufficient for Einstein’s Equivalence Principle, Phys. Essays, 15 (3), 303-321 (September, 2002).
12. C. Y. Lo, Space Contractions, Local Light Speeds, and the Question of Gauge in General Relativity, Chinese J. of Phys. (Taipei), 41 (4), 233-343 (August 2003).
13. C. Y. Lo, On Interpretations of Hubble’s Law and the Bending of Light, Progress in Phys., Vol. 1, 10-13 (Jan., 2006).
14. C. Y. Lo,Remarks on Interpretations of the Eötvös Experiment and Misunderstandings of E = mc2, Chin. Phys. (Beijing), 16 (3), 635-639 (March 2007).
15. Zhou (Chou) Peiyuan, “On Coordinates and Coordinate Transformation in Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation” in Proc. of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meetings on Gen. Relativ., ed. Hu Ning, Science Press & North Holland. (1983), 1-20.
16. Yang, C. N.1974. Phys. Rev. Lett. 33: 445 (1974).

by 过客 on 2007/12/25 at 11:40. 回复 #


by ere on 2010/04/06 at 02:36. 回复 #

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